Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) Analysis and synthesis of deep SHITSUKAN information in the real world

B01-3 Deep Shitsukan recognition in brain damaged patients

Kyoko Suzuki Department of Behavioral Neurology and Cognitive Neuroscience

Brain damage and aging affect shitsukan perception and cognition. We found that patients with Lewy body disease and Alzheimer’s disease had difficulty in explicit shitsukan perception, such as identifying materials. In this project, we aim to detect changes in deep shitsukan perception and cognition in aged and brain damaged people by the physiological technique, such as measuring pupil diameters. As deep shitsukan perception, implicitly perceived shitsukan, can ameliorate emotional/affective status, an environmental shitsukan appropriate for each subject is important for reduction of behavioral problems in brain damaged patients. Our research may provide clues to improvement of environmental shitsukan and for the better quality of life in these subjects.


Shigeki Nakauchi Toyohashi University of Technology